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iTech Car Rental Script v11.34

  (4.5 out of 5 based on 328 ratings)
Buckle up for a groundbreaking adventure in the world of car rentals! Our cutting-edge car rental website solution is not just a service; it's a ticket to the ultimate road trip experience. If you're geared up to launch your own car rental platform, get ready for a ride that combines simplicity, flexibility, and the... read more

Fully transparent and editable PHP source code is included.
$90.00 $200.00

Product Description

Buckle up for a groundbreaking adventure in the world of car rentals! Our cutting-edge car rental website solution is not just a service; it's a ticket to the ultimate road trip experience. If you're geared up to launch your own car rental platform, get ready for a ride that combines simplicity, flexibility, and the exhilaration of seamless online booking.

A car rental agency isn't merely about cars; it's about unlocking the thrill of exploration, adventure, and the freedom to hit the road in style. Envision a dynamic website seamlessly connecting users with their dream rides, offering a passport to independence and memorable journeys. In the digital era, online reservations are the driving force, and a robust online presence is your expressway to success.

With just a click, customers can secure their ideal car, tailored precisely to their needs and budget. No more tedious processes—just a few straightforward questions, and you're on your way to embarking on your road trip. Car rental websites have evolved into virtual pit stops, providing travelers with a hassle-free and efficient way to get behind the wheel.

Travelers, whether on business or leisure, are embracing the freedom that comes with renting a car. Our car rental system, designed for the modern explorer, allows individuals to flexibly rent a car for specific periods, whether it's a quick city escapade or an extended road trip spanning months.

Launching your car rental website? Keep it user-friendly. Our solution features a sleek booking form that requires only essential information like destination, duration, time, and date. Imagine a website equipped with a specialized search engine, empowering customers to find the perfect vehicle tailored to their needs. We offer diverse plans for single trips, local explorations, and extended journeys, providing options that suit every traveler's preferences.

Flexibility is the name of the game. Implement one-way travel plans, local packages, and long-distance options, giving customers the power to choose what aligns with their adventure goals. Cut the clutter by avoiding unnecessary add-ons that only weigh down the booking process.

Security is paramount. Our solution integrates secure payment gateways for swift and smooth transactions. In this digital age, many users access websites on the go, so we optimize your car rental platform for various screen sizes and resolutions. Better yet, consider a mobile app integration for a seamless experience, allowing customers to navigate your offerings without the need for constant browser logins.

Ready to revolutionize the car rental experience? Steer towards success with your very own website. Join the ranks of digital-savvy travelers and offer them a platform that turns their journey not just into a drive but an adventure. Connect with us today, and let's make your car rental website the pit stop for every traveler seeking the joy of the open road. The ride of a lifetime awaits—let's hit the road together!

Where do I find the features?

Getting Started

We're excited that you're interested in our services. To ensure you have an unforgettable experience, we urge you to check out our demo links before making a decision. These links are your backstage pass to exploring our features and functionalities firsthand. While our feature list and project descriptions give an overview, we're always innovating, so some features may change.

By clicking the demo links, you'll experience the latest version of our services, test cutting-edge features, and see how we can meet your needs. It's like test-driving your dream car before purchase! This ensures you make an informed decision with confidence.

So, dive into the future of technology with us! We look forward to seeing you on the other side, armed with the knowledge for the right choice. Thank you for considering iTechScripts; we're thrilled to serve you!

Custom Cloning

Are you tired of cookie-cutter websites that all look the same? Want to create a website like your favorite one, but worried about legal issues? Look no further! Our team of skilled professionals can help you create a unique website with features similar to your favorite one, without any copyright infringement. With our innovative approach, your website will be one-of-a-kind and sure to stand out. Don't settle for mediocrity, let us help you create the website of your dreams. Contact us today!

Demo Links

Once you try the demo we know you’ll love it. Please contact our support team for an enhanced, fully customized version, tailor-made to your requirements. Do you know how it works?



Mobile View


Main Features

We are super excited to share the features included in the latest release. Once you try the demo we know you'll love it. There will be even more features available in the future.

Special Offers

  • White Label (No Back-link).
  • Latest Technology (PHP 7+, MySQLi).
  • Responsive Layout (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop).
  • Browser Independent (Edge, Firefox, Chrome).
  • Optimized Content (Twice Faster).
  • Fully Scalable (Up to Million Users).
  • Price Challenge (Lowest Price Guaranteed).
  • No Recurring Charges (One-time Purchase).
  • No Hidden Charges (Fully Transparent).
  • Progressive Web App - Android (Compiled APK)
  • Progressive Web App - iOS (Xcode Version)
  • Free Installation Assistance (36 Months).
  • Free After-Sales Service (36 Months).
  • Free Software Update (36 Months).
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration (USD75 USD175).
  • SEO Service (USD175/month USD245).
  • Content Writing Service (USD15/page USD25).
  • Social Media Management (USD150/month USD225).

Revenue model

  • Admin Commission from Every Transaction: Earnings generated through a commission deducted from each transaction on the platform.
  • Advertisement Revenue: Income generated from strategically placed advertisements on the platform.
  • Footer Section for Google AdSense: Utilization of the footer section for Google AdSense, creating an additional revenue stream.

Script features

  • Trendy Mobile-Responsive Design: A modern and responsive design ensuring optimal user experience on various devices.
  • Ajax-Based Interface: Utilizes Ajax technology for a seamless and dynamic user interface.
  • PWA (Progressive Web App) Ready Design: Designed to function as a Progressive Web App, enhancing performance and user engagement.
  • Easy Customizable Template: Users can easily customize templates for a personalized appearance.
  • MVC Architecture: Follows the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern for efficient code organization.
  • Codeigniter Framework: Built on the Codeigniter framework, ensuring a robust and scalable application.
  • PayPal Pre-integrated: Seamless integration with PayPal for secure and convenient transactions.

User Interface

  • User-Friendly Registration Interface: Streamlined registration process for a user-friendly experience.
  • Ajax-Based Login: Allows users to log in seamlessly using Ajax technology.
  • Car Search on the Homepage, by City, Pick-up Time, and Drop-off Time: Enables users to easily search for cars based on various parameters.
  • View Cars Listed by Best Sellers and Most Popular Cars: Provides curated lists for user convenience.
  • View Car Details, Images, Fuel Type, Mileage, Transmission Type, Manufacturing Year, and Rate per Hour: Comprehensive information about listed cars for informed decision-making.
  • Enter Pick-up and Drop-off Location, Date, and Time: User-friendly input options for booking convenience.
  • Select Payment Method and Enter Additional Information: Easy and secure payment processing with flexible payment methods.
  • Check Total Payable Amount, Confirm Order Details, and Proceed to Pay: Transparent order confirmation and payment process.
  • Edit Profile, Enter Phone and Email Address, Full Address, and Upload Profile Image: Allows users to personalize and manage their profiles.
  • View List of Previous Orders, Contact Support, and Change Password: Access to order history, support contact, and password management.

Agent panel

  • Easy Registration Interface: Simplified registration process for agents.
  • Ajax-Based Login: Seamless login for agents using Ajax technology.
  • Add a New Car with Details: Name, Fuel Type, Transmission, Manufacturing Year, Features, Description, Country, State, City, and Image: Easy car listing process with detailed information.
  • View All Listed Cars, Deactivate/Activate Cars, Edit Car Details, and Delete Cars: Efficient management of listed cars with multiple options.
  • See List of Bookings, Payments, and Request Fund Withdrawal: Access to booking and payment details, along with fund withdrawal requests.
  • View Status of Withdrawal Requests: Clear visibility into the status of withdrawal requests.
  • Edit Profile, Name, Email, Phone Number, Contact Address, Upload Profile Image, Add PayPal Email ID, and Change Password: Allows agents to manage and update their profiles.

Admin Panel

  • Check Account Balance after Login: Quick access to the account balance for financial oversight.
  • Add a Car on Behalf of Agents with Details: Name, Fuel Type, Transmission, Manufacturing Year, Features, Description, Country, State, City, and Image: Capability to add cars to the platform on behalf of agents.
  • View All Listed Cars, Deactivate/Activate Cars, Edit Car Details, and Delete Cars: Centralized management of all listed cars with various actions.
  • See List of Payments, Bookings, and Withdrawal Requests: Comprehensive overview of platform transactions, bookings, and withdrawal requests.
  • Approve/Disapprove Withdrawal Requests: Admin authority to approve or disapprove withdrawal requests.
  • Add/Edit/Delete "Country," "State," and "City" Options: Management of geographical location options for enhanced customization.
  • Add/Edit/Delete "FAQ Category" and "FAQ": Management of frequently asked questions for user support.
  • View List of Newsletter Subscribers and Delete Subscribers: Oversight of newsletter subscribers with the option to manage the list.
  • Add Image Advertisements with Name, Link, and Uploaded Images: Inclusion of image advertisements with relevant details.
  • Edit/Delete Advertisements: Flexibility to edit or remove advertisements as needed.
  • Edit Homepage Slider Images and Texts: Customization of homepage slider images and accompanying text.
  • View List of Testimonials and Delete Client Testimonials: Management of client testimonials with the option to delete.
  • Edit "About Us," "Privacy Policy," "Terms & Conditions," and "License Agreement" Texts: Text editing for essential platform information.
  • Set Website Name, Title, Email, Address, Phone, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Meta Author, Currency Sign, and Currency Code: Configuration of various website settings for consistency.
  • Enter Website Social Media Links: Integration of social media links for enhanced connectivity.
  • Change Admin Password and Website Logo: Admin-exclusive actions for password management and logo updates.

Customer Reviews

1. Is this a ready system?

Yes, of course.

2. Do you provide editable source code?

Yes, fully editable.

3. Can I change the design?

Yes. We provide a fully editable PHP source. You can edit the design files.

4. Any recurring charge?

No. Only one-time payment.

5. I need to add some features. What do I do?

You can edit the source files to add features. We offer custom development services at nominal rates.

6. Do you help installing the script?

Yes. We offer free installation assistance, except on local or unmanaged servers.

7. Do you accept payments in installment?

No such facility is currently available.

8. Do I have to put your name on my website?

Fully whitelabel solution. No backlink is required.

9. If your script does not work, what should I do?

Place your order only after being satisfied and convinced of the quality. The payment is not refundable.

10. Will your script run in high traffic?

Tested with thousands of concurrent users. It depends on your server.

11. Which version of PHP is needed to run the script?

It supports the latest version (PHP7x). Also, compatible with PHP5.6.

12. Does it use MVC architecture?

Yes. It uses Codeigniter and follows MVC architecture.

13. Is your script ready for future upgrade?

Yes. It uses Codeigniter. You can upgrade the core files without changing the custom files.

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